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Hi, I'm Kelly.

I help direct sales leaders and aspiring leaders develop the mindset, tools, and systems to build loyal customer relationships and highly productive teams.

Learn more about the programs that I offer to help you build the business you love.


When you work with me, you’ll learn that the guiding principles most direct sellers are using are steering them in the wrong direction.

Do more and you’ll get more.

Direct sales is not a numbers game. It’s a relationship business. Doing more will get you more. More burnout, more frustration, more time away from your family. I’ll teach you how to do different. You’ll use systems and strengthen connections.

If you can’t change your people, change your people.

Adding more people to your team is not going to get you an engaged and productive team. Adding more people will just result in more people you want to change. You need to change how you lead.

Your company provides some leadership training here and there, but even if they did manage to present all the leadership information you needed in one of their programs, you’ll only retain a small portion of it. Your upline may or may not be an amazing leader, but she has too much on her plate to give you the leadership training and coaching that you need.

Which bring us to the third misleading principle . . .

Model a successful business and your team will follow.

You can’t master anything by watching it. If that were the case, a lot of men would be professional football players rather than just football fans.

I followed all of these principles. I was a top seller and recruiter, but I was stuck at the same title.

I offered my team incentives and trainings. I did everything I saw my uplines who were top leaders do, but it wasn’t enough.

All that changed when I hired a coach. I created systems and used leadership principles that worked for direct sellers. I learned how to coach and not just train.

And then my team grew.
Leaders promoted.
Consultants set and met goals.

I finally had the business I wanted.
My team was productive and engaged.
My stress and overwhelm were gone.

I got the freedom and flexibility I dreamed of.

And that’s what I want for you.

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