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An Easy Way to Provide Exceptional Service in Your Direct Sales Business

thank you notes Apr 09, 2019

The thank you note is the most important note you'll write in your direct sales business. It’s more than an indication of manners and a mark of exceptional customer service; it is part of a good business woman’s brand. It is a business tool that can't be overused. How you say “thank you” lets your customers know how seriously you take customer service.

Giving your customers the doorman experience is simple. And in the world of online parties and fast-growing companies, its practice is critical if you want your business to grow. Your replicated website and product offerings are identical to every other consultants’ websites and offerings. Your customer service is the only thing that distinguishes you from everyone else, and it is the reason that everyone besides your mom will be loyal to you. Customer service isn’t something that improves with size. It’s easier to start offering white-glove service when you have a few customers than it is when you have a lot of them.

Because your shoppe is in the direct sales world, the handwritten thank you note can be your doorman, and I’m sure you’ll find it much easier than employing a hot doorman. (Why can’t he be hot?)  You won’t have to deal with IRS forms and withholdings, and your postage and My Heart Beats stationery are deductible. You won’t feel obligated to take him as your guest on the next incentive trip. OMG, can you imagine? It would be super awkward because he’d probably fall in love with you. How could he not? You’re hot (if he can be so can you), smart and successful.

It is never too early to start using the handwritten note as a business-building tool. If you have an established direct sales business, it isn’t too late to start. You don’t have to go back and write notes. Start today and make it one of your weekly business practices.

Cheering for you,

P.S. This is part of a series of posts about thank you notes in your direct sales business that uses a doorman as a metaphor for the handwritten note. You can read the first post here. And the next post is here.

Get your set of My Heart Beats thank you cards here.


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