Whenever you make an offer in your direct sales business, be sure that the recipient of the offer is clear on what it is going to do for her. You don’t have to mention what it is going to do for you. Making it about her is excellent customer service and leadership. And your intentions and motivation might be to serve; sometimes direct sellers use language that doesn’t come across that way.
When you lead with yourself or your goal, you are making it about you. Some of your customers might care that you have a big goal, but most of them don’t. If you want to offer a discount to boost sales, do it, but leave yourself out of it.
Instead: Flash Sale: 10% off the next 5 orders.
Call it a Flash Sale. Just the name gives people a sense of urgency.
Better: Flash Sale: 10% off all orders placed by 5 pm.
Instead of limiting it to the number of orders, give people a time frame in which to place the order. Time frames work well because customers have more control. If they don’t see the post for a few hours, they might assume that you’ve already given out the limited number of deals and not respond even if they wanted something.
Better yet: Flash Sale: Contact me by 5 pm today to save 10% on your order.
When people contact you to place the order, you can have a conversation with them and be sure they are getting everything they need. She might need an accessory to go with the product that she is ordering.
Instead: I’d love to do a party for you.
Do you see the difference? You’re offering a service rather than asking for a favor.
Better: I’d love to do a party for you so that ________.
List the benefit you think would be most appealing to her such as free product, exclusive product, girls’ night, etc.
Your team will benefit when you promote, but most of them probably don’t realize how your new title will impact them. When you’re working towards a promotion, be sure your team knows all the ways they will benefit so that they can get excited and feel like they contributed.
Instead: When we reach a team goal of $5000 in sales, we’ll be a leader team which means that you’ll get information from the company faster.
You can list out one or two benefits for them. It can even be the benefit of a team celebration.
Better: (Individually) How is your goal of selling $_____ going? What can I do to help?
Be in contact with everyone on your team to find out what their goals are and help each one with a plan to reach her goals. Then, touch base with them individually throughout the month to see how you can support them.
If the goals they set for themselves don’t add up to the amount you need, pressuring them to do more isn’t going to help. It might help you promote, but you’ll struggle to keep your title and your team won’t feel valued.
Lead with value. Make it about your customer, your hostess and your team.
Cheering for you,
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