Join Elevate Next Level

When you promoted to leadership, you were probably excited and eager. This was just the first step in your plan to reach the top.

You pictured your team walking across stage at Conference, lounging around the pool on incentive trips, and sharing ideas at retreats.

You knew they'd be just as motivated as you, and you anticipated having so many of them come to your virtual meetings that you’d have to scroll through screens to see everyone’s face. Month-end would be exciting because records would be broken and promotions would be celebrated.

You knew it wouldn’t happen overnight, but you knew it would happen.

But, over time your vision faded and got eclipsed by . . .

things like your struggle with balancing your personal and team business and the never-ending to-do list: booking parties, recruiting, planning team meetings, running leadership development programs, hosting booking and recruiting blitzes, training, hopping on home office calls, keeping up with social media . . .

Now instead of striving to promote to the top, you settle for promoting at all. Heck, some months you’re just happy to get paid at title.

Team meetings are the same screenful of people, and you have to work to get people excited about earning some free product every now and then. You worry if you’ll have enough girls to fill a hotel room at Conference so you secretly hope it’s virtual again this year.

And maybe your current reality isn’t as dire as this.


But is your reality what you pictured the first time you walked across stage with your shiny new title?

Imagine . . .

being at Conference and having a party in your suite that has so many team members that the party spills out into the hallway. Picture the extra suitcase you packed just for your team’s goodie bags and recognition gifts. Visualize flying in early to meet all your leaders so that you’re sure to have time together before all their teams come.

Imagine being backstage wearing an amazing dress. You hear the CEO announce your name and new title, the title you’ve always wanted, and you start to walk out, but someone stops you because you almost trip on the cascade of ribbons that are hanging from your badge.

You give her your lanyard, smooth your dress, start walking, and before you can even see the audience, you hear your team cheering for you. They’re so proud of you and so thankful for your support and guidance. You pause for a moment at the center of the stage, and for a few seconds, you compare the moment to this vision that you dusted off today. You’re grateful for your team, your business, and mostly, you’re grateful for the courage to revive and pursue your vision.

I was a leader who lived both these realities.

I joined direct sales in 1996 and did everything my upline and company told me to do, modeled a successful business, and played the numbers game. I quickly became a top producer, leader, and trip earner. I also got burned out, was frustrated, and considered quitting.

I followed the advice of if you can't change your people, change your people. And, I got more people who didn't want to build a business.

Then, I started working with a coach, and through coaching, I realized that my people weren't the problem. I was. 

So I changed how I did parties, how I recruited and trained my team, and  how I lead.

And, then, my results changed and I finally had the business and team and freedom I wanted.

After many successful years of being a leader in the field and a field development manager, I realized that I could have a bigger impact on this industry that I love by working with leaders from all companies, not just leaders in my organization.

I took everything that had an impact on transforming my business from being a frustrated, burned-out leader to a leader of an engaged and productive team and created The TOP Leader Formula and the programs Elevate and Elevate Next Level.


Elevate Next Level is a leadership coaching program for established, advanced, and top leaders in direct sales. 

  • You'll have instant access to tried-and-true systems to automate the day-to-day so that you can focus on building your team and business.
  • You'll be matched with a productivity group so that you stay on track and accelerate your progress. These groups are valuable micro-communities.
  • You’ll be part of a community of other leaders who are as driven as you where you can get unbiased feedback, support, and ideas.
  • You will participate in coaching sessions so that you can make progress faster. 
Join Elevate Next Level

"I have grown from 4 leaders in my organization to 16 leaders in less than 6 months!"

When I started working with Kelly I had a hard time letting my leaders lead their teams. I was worried about overwhelming them with more work in their director positions and scare them away from promoting to upper-level titles, so I tried to own as much as possible for our organization.

I felt like doing this was helping my leaders when in reality it was hindering my leaders from reaching their potential. In 2020, I have grown from 4 leaders in my organization to 16 leaders in less than 6 months!

- Genevieve Black, Independent Executive Director with Pampered Chef

Let me show you what's waiting for you inside Elevate Next Level.

Group Coaching

If you've ever said any of the following:

I know what to do, I'm just not doing it.

I'm doing everything I know to do, but nothing is working.

Then you're someone who needs coaching.



  • save you time and energy.
  • make you duplicatable.
  • make training easier.

You're already a leader, imagine what you could create if you had the support and community of other highly successful visionary leaders.

Surrounding yourself with peers who are just like you will help you maintain your level of leadership.

But if you want to continue to grow, especially when you’re at the top, you need to surround yourself with leaders who will challenge and support you.

The community in Elevate Next Level is a collaboration, not a competition. It’s composed of leaders who are engaged and working towards similar goals.

The ENL leadership community:

  • gives you a library of ideas and perspectives of leaders from a variety of companies.
  • is a place you can get unbiased feedback and opinions that will serve you - not your upline or home office.
  • is made up of leaders who are just as motivated to succeed as you are.
Join Elevate Next Level

Productivity groups combine accountability, coaching, and support so that you can cut through the overwhelm of your never-ending to-do list.

When you join Elevate Next Level, you'll be matched with a productivity group of leaders who have similar goals and are working at similar paces.

Productivity groups:

  • align your daily tasks with your long-term goals.
  • keep you on track and prioritize your tasks.
  • allow you to feel accomplished even when you don't see instant results.

Coaching is the easiest and fastest way to get past your own roadblocks.

If you have a vision, and you’re not reaching it, it isn’t because your vision is too big or unattainable, it’s because you’re in your own way.

As a member of Elevate Next Level, you can join a coaching call every week so that you can reach your vision as quickly as possible and have the business you want and deserve. 


   - is the missing piece in your business.

   - helps you find the answers to questions you didn't even know to ask.

   - pushes you outside your comfort zone and closer to your vision.

Why should I pay for coaching and community when I get free training from my upline and company and have a network of other direct sellers? 

A lot of leaders ask this before they invest in themselves. And before I reached burnout, I would have asked this too.

My upline was awesome and my company's training was great. I had a pacing partner and a group of besties I talked to weekly (sometimes daily). I was a top seller and recruiter, and I didn't even realize that being a top producer but wanting to be a top leader was the cause of my burnout. 

It wasn't until I got coaching that I realized what I was missing. 

So, let me put on my coaching hat and ask you some questions.

Are you making the progress you want to make?

If you keep doing what you're doing, will you be where you want to be in a year?

If you can't answer yes without hesitation to both of those questions, then it's probably time to do something different.

Let's see if Elevate Next Level is a good fit for you.

Elevate Next Level is for you if . . .

  • you have an established team, consistent personal business and want to accelerate your growth.
  • you are open to sharing and supporting other leaders.
  • you're motivated to grow your business and willing to step outside your comfort zone to do it.
  • you are willing to play the long game and invest in yourself.

Elevate Next Level is not for you if . . .

  • you don’t value community.
  • you’re not coachable or open to new ideas.
  • you want a quick fix.
  • you’re looking for a plug-and-play or cookie-cutter program.

Some leaders join ENL because they're like I was when I hired my first coach - desperate, frustrated, and on the verge of quitting.

Some join ENL because they're like I was when I joined the group coaching program I'm currently in - excited and eager to learn and grow. 

I could have figured it out on my own, networked with other business builders and coaches, read books, and signed up for free webinars. 

But at what cost?

I don't have time to waste on trial and error, adapting something, or searching for other business builders who actually want to and are available to network.

And neither do you.

If Elevate Next Level is a good fit for you, don't let fear hold you back from investing in yourself. 


Look what Renee Diaz said: 

I hesitated to join because of the money and was nervous about the coaching.

I would say to someone with those concerns that it is worth it to step out of your comfort zone to get the coaching. It will help you grow your business.

Kelly has helped me to see the potential I have that I can’t see in myself.

Elevate Next Level is Open for Enrollment for Just a Few Days 

The doors will be closing soon, and when they do, you'll have to wait months for them to open again.


Join Elevate Next Level Today

so that you can have the business you really want.

Elevate Next Level


per month


Plus all these bonuses!


Elevate Next Level Mastermind


per month (includes ENL membership)


ENL Masterminds are 4 - 5 leaders who want to accelerate their growth.

During your 2nd month of ENL Membership, you will be invited to join a Mastermind, so for now, simply click the ENROLL NOW button to the left and join Elevate Next Level.

Support Your Team While Moving Your Personal Business Forward

When I first joined Elevate Next Level, my team was experiencing a lot of momentum and I didn't quite know how to manage all of the moving parts. Kelly's coaching helped me focus on specific aspects of my own personal business, as well as my team.

I like the group coaching calls because we learn from each other and find out what's working for other leaders and find new solutions to the challenges we are facing.

Over the last six months, I've learned how to support my team in a way that helps them identify and reach their goals, but also how to keep my own personal business moving forward.

Christine Roth, Norwex Executive Sales Leader


If you’re ready to be a leader of an engaged and productive team and continue to promote through your career plan, then join Elevate Next Level today.

You’ll have instant access to systems, past call recordings, and the leadership community. You'll also be matched with a productivity group and can hop on the next coaching call.

If you decide that Elevate Next Level isn't for you, you can quit at any time. Your membership is month-to-month. You'll get to keep Foundations, even if you quit.

When you join Elevate Next Level, you'll get the complete TOP Leader Formula


these bonuses!


Being a member of Elevate Next Level means that you will have access to everything you need to build a business you love. In addition, you will be able to offer some resources to your team at a discount so they can grow with you.


You get one Success Session a quarter. You can either have a 1:1 coaching call with Kelly or have Kelly do a group coaching call with your leaders, aspiring leaders, or whole team.

“It’s so helpful to get a fresh perspective from someone outside of my company.”

When I decided to go full-time with my direct sales business, I knew I needed to start coaching. My team and I were stagnant but now I’m excited to see where we go. It’s so helpful to get a fresh perspective from someone outside of my company. Plus, when you pay for something, you tend to pay more attention and get more out of it!

Shelly Nelson, Independent Director with Pampered Chef


When you join Elevate Next Level today, you'll get all this . . .


-  Weekly group coaching sessions ($797/month value)

-  Lifetime access to Foundations ($197 value)

-  Productivity group ($397/month value)

-  Success Session ($97/quarter value)

-  Curated Leadership Community (priceless)

-  Quarterly Workshops ($97/quarter value)

-  Special pricing for your teams for Foundations and Workshops

-  50% savings on the entire My Heart Beats website

-  invitation to apply for an ENL Mastermind

It's time to make a choice.

  1. Stay where you are and keep wasting time trying to figure out how to get around the obstacles that stand between you and your vision.
  2. Downsize your vision and settle for that.
  3. Join us in Elevate Next Level and use the TOP Leader Formula to realize your vision.

If you decide you want the life that’s in your vision, then you owe it to yourself and your team to make your vision a reality. The best way to do that is to join Elevate Next Level.

Join Elevate Next Level

Still have questions? 

How is this different from other direct sales programs?

Elevate Next Level is the only program that uses the Visionary Leader Framework which includes systems, productivity groups, leadership community, and coaching. The cornerstone of of the framework is coaching. Most other direct sales programs don’t have true coaching. They have training.

How is coaching different than training? 

Training is fact-based and often a one-way conversation. When you participate in training, the trainer does most ot the talking and you’re given the trainer’s solution. Coaching is a two-way conversation. You’ll do most of the talking. I’ll ask you questions to help you uncover your blindspots and discover a different perspective so that you can get around your obstacles and make progress.

As you progress through the career plan, you'll need more coaching and less training.

I’m a new leader, but I have big goals. Can I join Elevate Next Level?

Elevate Next Level is probably more than you need. I do have a program for new and aspiring leaders called Elevate. 

I’ve been doing this a long time. Is this for me?

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been doing this. What you need to decide is, are you happy with where your business is going? Working with a coach changed everything in my business. I still have a coach. I will always have a coach.

Can I join whenever I want?

Elevate Next Level is only open for enrollment a few times a year. If the button below says "join now", you should probably join. If it says, "get on the waitlist", do that so that you can be the first to know when it's open again.

Will my membership rate increase if you increase the price?

No. Your membership rate will stay the same as long as you’re a member. If you quit and come back, your new membership rate will be the rate that Elevate Next Level is offered at when you rejoin.

Join Elevate Next Level Now

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