Grow your business.
Enjoy your summer.
Build momentum for the fall.


Summer School

Watch this video (feel free to increase the speed) to get all the details about Summer School.

  • What you'll get in Summer School and how it works.
  • The impact of consistency and how Summer School will help you develop it.
  • How to use the social selling model so that you can build a business even when you're on vacation. 
  • How to avoid the common mistakes that most social sellers make.


If you're like most direct sellers, you've been told that consistency is key and that if you consistently work your business, it will grow. 

You've probably also been told that the fortune is in the follow-up. 

You know you should be consistent, but it's hard to create content every single day, especially when you don't get the results you want.  

You also know that you should go live and reach out more, and you intend to, but it's easy to talk yourself out of doing it. 

You tell yourself that you don't want to bother them. If they were interested in buying something, they'd contact you, and since very few people are contacting you, you conclude that they aren't interested or you aren't good at this.

Well, those two statements are lies. 

Overposting about your business and doing ineffective follow-up won't increase your results. In fact, those things will actually hurt your business.

Overposting gets you unfollowed.

Ineffective follow-up gets you no response, and no response prevents you from reaching out again because it's awkward.

If you're using the social selling model and not getting the results you want, it's likely because of one (or more) of these reasons:

  • You didn't get the training you need to make the model work for you.
  • You don't have systems to consistently create high-quality, effective content. 
  • You know what to do, but you can't seem to do it consistently.
  • You willy-nilly your content and don't have a strategy for it.
  • You copy and paste your content or mimic what other people do.
  • You post (and maybe you post consistently), but your content isn't attracting people or it's not converting your followers into buyers.
  • You post and wait for people to come to you because you don't know how or you're afraid to reach out to them because you don't want to be salesy or spammy. 

You can build a successful business using the social selling model (even just by working your business in nooks and crannies) as long as you:

  • Consistently create content that attracts people to you and serves your current customers.
  • Know how to nurture your connections and build relationships
  • Initiate conversations that convert to sales, bookings, and recruit leads.

My new program will give you the training and systems you need to be able to build the business you want.

Energize is the social selling program that gives you the training and systems you need to build your business alongside your life.

Energize isn't like other training programs. 

  • It has bite-size lessons you can consume quickly.
  • It's full of systems and formulas that you can adapt and apply to make work for you.
  • The lessons are layered so that you fully understand the process, which allows you to master it faster.
  • Mindset principles and practices are woven throughout the lessons so that you can replace your fears, step out of your comfort zone, and grow.
  • Plus, you'll have access to me and a community of other direct sellers so that you can get feedback and answers when you need them.

Note: Energize is not a social media training program, but it uses social media as a tool to grow your business.



When you apply the systems in Energize, you'll know how to use the three types of engagement content. 

Content You Create

  • Create content that attracts people to you and not just to your product (if they don't connect with you, you risk marketing for someone else).
  • Take control of your business and feel confident creating your own content.
  • Use systems to quickly create content consistently.

Comments That Connect

  • Know how to engage on social media to attract people to you and your business.
  • Interact in groups that are unrelated to your business and on personal profiles to build connections.
  • Become the most engaging person on social media, even if you're an introvert.

Conversations That Convert

  • Make follow-up drama-free and a consistent habit so that you get repeat sales and referrals.
  • Know how to initiate conversations and keep them going, even when you don't get a response.
  • Have your reach-outs feel service-based rather than spammy or salesy.  

Who is Energize for?

NEW DIRECT SELLERS  -  Why not learn systems that you'll use throughout your entire business right from the start? You can go through the content at your own pace, and you can ask for as much help as you want. 

DIRECT SELLERS WHO ARE STARTING OVER OR WANT BETTER RESULTS  -  Energize will meet you where you are and help you take the next steps to get where you want to go.

DIRECT SELLERS WHO WORK THEIR BUSINESS PART-TIME OR IN THEIR SPARE TIME - Energize's lessons are short and to the point, and its systems can be implemented in the nooks and crannies of your life.

LEADERS & ASPIRING LEADERS - Energize focuses on engagement content, and it is included in my leadership and aspiring leadership programs because mastering content is a critical skill for all direct sellers. Contact me to learn more about those.

Note: Because I want Energize to be accessible to all direct sellers, it only focuses on content and the social selling model. It does not include training or coaching on team building, parties, or leadership. If you want training and coaching in any of those areas, contact me to get more information about my programs that focus on those skills.

You're probably wondering . . . 
how much does Energize cost and what do you get, right?

It's just $7 a month.

So now you might be thinking how great can it be for just $7 a month? 

Well, I think the program is excellent, but I understand the skepticism.

There are several reasons Energize is just $7/month.

I love this industry, and I know the impact it can have on people's lives.

But I also know the reputation the direct sales industry has, and I think that's largely because most direct sellers don't have access to the kind of excellent training that's inside Energize.

This training has transformed direct sellers' confidence and businesses. 

I don't want price to be a barrier to your experiencing this kind of transformation. 

I want joining Energize to be an easy yes.

Here's what you get when you join Energize:

  • Instant access to all of Energize's lessons. You can binge the content or go through it in your nooks and crannies. ($497 value)
  • Success Guides to help you follow along with the lessons so that if you 2x the speed, you won't miss anything. ($97 value)
  • Monthly coaching calls (and access to past calls). ($497 value)
  • Private Facebook group where you can ask me unlimited questions, get fast feedback, and engage with a community of other direct sellers. ($497 value)
  • Success Plans for each of the content areas so that you have a roadmap to follow, measure your progress, and know you're on track. ($97 value)
  • Guaranteed membership rate of just $7/month for as long as you're a member of Energize, even after the rate increases. (Savings of $120/year)



Mindset is everything, and when you learn and apply the systems inside Energize with an abundance mindset, you'll greatly and swiftly increase your results.

This self-paced course is full of mindset principles and practices for direct sellers.


Energize focuses on the social selling model, but that doesn't mean you can't still do parties and events to make even faster progress in your business. 

The systems in this training will help you quickly fill your calendar.


This 3-part workshop will help you avoid the mistakes that most direct sellers make when they set SMART goals. 

You'll make a vision board that actually works, set goals you'll actually achieve, and create a plan you'll actually follow.



Energize is a month-to-month program. You can cancel at any time.  

Your membership rate is guaranteed not to go up as long as you're a member. If you cancel and sign up again, you'll sign up at the rate Energize is offered when you sign up (this rate might be higher).





Hi, I'm Kelly Northcott

I've been in the direct sales industry since 1996. When I was in the field, I worked with three different companies, and I was a top performer and leader in all three.

I'll teach you the systems that I used to be a top producer and that I taught my team. (One of my teams was a third of the company and did 60% of the sales.)

Sales skills are the focus of Energize, but I teach from the perspective of a team builder rather than just a seller. 

You might not want to build a team right now, but if you ever do decide to recruit, your mindset and business structure will be in place so that you'll be able to attract and support business builders.

Woo hoo! Sign me up for Energize!

So, are you ready to Energize your business?

Are you ready to have systems to consistently create quality content without having to start from scratch every day?

Or would you rather keep copying and pasting and posting and praying and hoping that, eventually, you'll get some results?

Are you ready to learn how to create engagement content that gets you noticed and helps you connect? 

Or would you rather scroll through social media without any purpose?

Are you ready to feel confident doing reachouts?

Or would you rather keep waiting around for people to come to you?

Energize is just $7/month. You can cancel at any time.



On the fence? 

  • How will this work for me when you don't know my comp/career plan and the ins and outs of my company?
    • My 20+ years of experience has been with 3 companies that had very different product lines, career plans, and company cultures. I teach universal principles, systems, and mindset that work with every company.
  • I'm new. Will I be lost?
    • The content is perfect for you. You can go through it at your own pace and ask as many questions as you want.
  • I'm a leader. Is this too basic for me?
    • If you're like most direct sellers, you probably didn't get sales training as thorough as this, but if you're like most leaders, you'll want more training and you probably need coaching. I have higher-level programs, and Energize is included in them. Let's set up a quick chat to find the program that's right for you.
  • My company and my upline are amazing. Why should I pay for this?
    • Are you reaching your goals? My uplines and companies were great too, but their support alone wasn't enough for me to reach my goals. Energize isn't designed to replace what they're providing; it's designed to supplement it.
  • What about recruiting? 
    • Energize focuses on sales skills, but I teach them from the perspective of a team builder. If you're a leader or aspiring leader, Elevate is a better fit for you. It will help you automate your personal business and recruit business builders. Energize is included in Elevate.
  • This seems like a great program, but I don't have time to add one more thing.
    • No one has time for one more thing. One of my foundational principles is that you don't have to do more to get more. If you feel like you don't have the time, then you are definitely someone who needs this program.